Sunday, 4 November 2007

Gunpowder Treason and Plot, or Fairytale in NY

Friday comes after thursday, and comes after pissed Alex on thursday night. Alex was out with E. here .
So, E texts friday early. -
'Sorry to lag behind last night. Do you fancy fireworks and dinner tonight?'

hmmm, that's quick, given the last time I saw her was 6 months ago. Forget crazy bargirl. I can't, cos I promised the kids a local display and I don't want to fuck around with that. Well, I could...but I followed my brain.

Reply - 'Would love to - prior engagement, firework and kids related'. (She knows about my kids)

Later 'fireworks good?'
reply 'I'm on my couch, decided against'
Did n't go cos I didn't ? getting scary already.
Random one ' The Pogues play london next month. Interested?.
Straight back - 'Brixton academy? Def up for that. Love em.'
Alex 'consider it sorted, let you know'
How funny is that! I don't know anything about her musical tastes, if you can call liking the Pogues actual music.(don't know much about them either, need to do some research)
So me and E are going to get beer poured over us and generally shout ourselves hoarse on the 18th Dec.

How funny is that?

But don't worry , gentle reader, I feel we will be seeing more of each other before then.


Blog Archive said...
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Blog Archive said...

Not funny, fantastic! Who knows what could happen between now and then...? Good job for asking about the show.

alex wandered said...

Thanks , steps being made