Monday 17 September 2007

letting go

I saved reading sexegesis' entry here until the right time presented itself to me when I can savour her excellent prose while edging my painfully stiff cock ...Anyway, that was the plan when I started to read her wonderful account "Ex-Egesis", having earlier stopped at the fateful line "that night I shaved my pussy" .
When I returned later, I had been edging for a while and wanted to finish off urgently. I was firmly in the pre-ejaculatory phase, where the slightest additional pressure would be enough to send me to that place of no return where my milky fluid would pump out of me. I had a soiled agent provocateur g string tied below the head of my cock so that by varying the pressure of the 2 side strings, -hence double squeezing my cock head between silky cords - , could maintain the keen edge of my orgasm.

The towel I was sitting on contained pools of precum and I was in a state of oblivious anxiety. Anyway, I think you get the picture.

When she mentioned you had to pee, I considered just letting go there and then as I love reading about and seeing women peeing or obviously needing to (ain't alcohol wonderful?)
and was forced to remove the string in order to struggle to continue through the story. (I am getting aroused again writing this and hope you are too).
Having taken a short break, I retied the string and continued reading. I literally could n't sit still in my agitation and desire to explode with runny juice.
Needless to say , when I read the part about her peeing in the middle of her orgasm, without any further pressure on my cock, it simply erupted , tearing spurt after spurt of cum out of me. having not touched my cock during orgasm I was able to stand up and have another full orgasm and 3 or 4 more going to dry before my knees buckled beneath me. I realised I was shouting her name as I came.

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