Tuesday 9 October 2007

Alex Wandered into Manhattan

I wandered over to the address she had handed to me at our brief lunchtime meet. We had been emailing for a while, and by the happy coincidence of a stateside business trip, we had previously decided we could exchange something more substantial than email.

At lunch, it had seemed right, had felt right. We had n’t touched, apart from double air kisses, the European way, while we had sized each other up. But I had been immediately relaxed in her company and loved the way she had looked and moved, smoothing back her dark shining hair, throwing her head back in unaffected laughter.

I hoped with all my heart that she felt the same way about me.

My nerves did n’t prevent me from playing the English boy. The ironic bemusement; the wonder that being in Manhattan engenders in all non-locals; the gentle sarcasm.

I rang the bell and waited, heart tripping. She had already informed me that there would no one at home apart from her and the cats. The door opened and a dim light spilled out. She was wearing a short dark dress which seemed to shine in the silhouetted light.

I became sure I was in the right place at the right time. . . . .

She remained motionless, then beckoned with an outstretched finger, her face flushed and smiling in welcome. The memory of the dress tricked in the back of my mind …..of course; the PVC number she had abused so readily. It hugged around her body, setting it off to perfection, not too tight but holding her breasts together around the depths of her shadowing, maddening cleavage. I closed the door behind me.

She looks at me, smiling “You are a naughty, naughty boy, Alex.” We stand in her hallway before moving through to her kitchen. I stare at her, not trusting myself to speak. “Come on, English boy, do something” she demands.

I move past her to the opened bottle of wine on the top, pour a mouthful into the empty of the two glasses. Replacing the glass, I finally move, holding her and bending to kiss her blood red mouth. As our lips meet I release the mouthful in my mouth, into hers. She chokes slightly, swallows and breaks away, green eyes flashing.

“Alex, you swine, what do you think you’re doing?” I wait for a slap, but this woman is in control, she grabs my shirt and pushes me down to my knees, crushing my face to her cleavage, holding me, suffocating me into her unyielding vinyl frontage. I gradually ease away and pull her down to me. We both kneel together, knees touching, faces inches apart. I reach to hold her face, with both hands and kiss her deeply, wetly. Time stands still.

“For fuck's sake Alex”, she breaks away, “you sure know how to make a girl comfortable, don’t you?” There’s no anger in her voice, only a detached amusement, a smile flickering beneath the flush. She is so cool, so much in control and so obviously enjoying, savoring, each moment. I am trembling.
She stands up and beckons again. This time, finally, I am ready for her. As she moves into her bedroom, the inner sanctum of her desires, I reach for her and pull her down on top of me, on top of her bed. She draws her leg between mine gently nuzzling her knee up to my crotch. I groan, the pressure of my confined cock building.

I don’t know how long we writhed together on the top of her bed. At some point she had ripped my shirt off while I had pulled down the straps and bodice of her dress, her beautiful breasts springing clear, hard nipples pointing up and out, seeking the heat of my mouth. She had cum, just my leg between hers, my lips gently sucking her breasts, crying out and arching her back , sweat breaking out in her hairline and chest.

I was dizzy with blood pumping into my crotch; she was looking into my eyes. “Go on, Alex, do what you want to, just come back, that’s all”

I nodded and limped into her adjoining bathroom, gasping as I survey her empty wash basket and her clothes strewn on the floor. I fall among them, reveling in her smell.

“Here” her low voice floats through. I am struggling to pull off my jeans and pants, a beautiful pain building in my crotch.

She is standing in the doorway, naked, her left hand working at her pussy, her right hand throwing me a wispy scrap of material. It floats down to cover my face. I inhale the rich, smoky, pungent smell of her cunt as my cock jerks and my hands travel downwards. But she’s kneeling on my legs, one hand working furiously at herself, a deep flush covering her upper body, breasts swinging freely, as she reaches for the head of my cock starting to pump me with her hand, perfect, exquisite pressure and reach. Her body goes rigid and she cries out my name.

Panting, she stops working me and holds my head, looking at me, looking at each other. She moves now between my legs, croons “cum for me, baby, cum for me”. We maintain eye contact as she repeats those beautiful motions, her head lower now, mouth opening, sweat dripping from her face, my orgasm building, but I’m still now, tension sucking out of my body, my cock at the centre of a world of absolute sensation.

She whispers again “cum, baby”. It is rising, seemingly starting from a point deep inside the earth’s crust, channeling through my shoulder blades, shooting down my spine, rising up between my legs, through into my balls, a wave of fluid moving unstoppably towards it’s conclusion.

I try to call her name, but can’t, an agonized rictus preventing speech. She knows, the tightening of my balls, the reflexive twitch. She bends lower, breasts swinging out and up as the first jet of cum shoots up to hit the underside of her jaw. She catches the second spurt in her mouth before bending further to imprison the head of my penis between her bared teeth. I hear screams as I jet a further 3 or 4 spurts into the warmth and wetness of her mouth. She releases me and sucks me deeply into her mouth, taking away all my pain. I realize the screams are coming from my own throat.

Slowly I relax as she topples over and comes to rest beside me on her bathroom floor, amid the contents of her washing basket. Her chin and jaw is sticky with my cum. What she did with the rest I did n’t see…

She turns to me, still smiling, entwining her hands to both of mine.
“Will you fuck me now ?" she says.


We're Only Animals said...

umm I like this blog, well written and a great twist at the end

alex wandered said...

Hi Wonderwoman,
Thanks a lot. I'm glad you enjoyed. I know you like putting your mouth to good use, so perhaps it touched a chord with you!