Monday 15 October 2007


I promised my friend Marcelle Manhattan, that I would blog the little victories of breaking down barriers to talk to people. Smile and talk with another random human being. Make contact.
People - I hate doing this. Going up to a stranger and saying hello. It's difficult. If you met me you would not think 'He's shy' - hate that word but there I've said it, but I have a real problem with talking to people I don't know. But, but, I'm going to beat it. It's part of my plan.

So 2 scenarios then from last week.
1- Thursday night, on the way home, late, surprisingly. Dark haired Girl sits down opposite me on the train. I smile at her. She immediately starts talking. She offers me some baby kiwi fruits. A spark going on, absolutely. She tells me where she works. I will meet her on thursday for a coffee. Happy Alex, simple things , baby steps.

2 - Sunday morning. In the depth of my depression, I walk into the local starbucks, spy a sofa opposite a girl, head down, writing. For no reason, I approach her.
"Anyone sitting here?"
She looks up, pauses,shakes her head. I sit down. Easy one.
"Are you writing a book?" Banal, I know.
"My diary" she replies, looking startled that someone dare speak to her in a starbucks.
"Will you blog it later?"
She says no, no one would be interested, I reply that she may be surprised. I never thought anyone would be interested in my ramblings.
She continues "Besides I'm not sure I want the things I write here to be made public"
I nod and smile " Aaah, that's the beauty of it, try it, it soothes the soul and rests the mind"
No spark going on, no chemistry, but what the hell?
baby steps, Alex, baby steps.


Anonymous said...

Baby steps it is. And baby steps are good. Baby steps led you to comment on my blog, which allowed me to find this new friend. Keep up with your baby steps.

alex wandered said...

I will , Fex

Blog Archive said...

Well done! It doesn't matter if it doesn't always work. What matters is you are making an effort. Thanks for citing me.

alex wandered said...

You ain't seen nothing yet!