Wednesday 31 October 2007

Long road out

Can someone explain this - walking past the many holes dug in London streets; dug and left, ignored, neglected, with plastic barriers surrounding- why oh why is it that there is always an empty can of Stella floating in a puddle of water in the bottom?

Somebody sat opposite me on the train this morning. The book he was reading was entitled 'Does anything eat Wasps and 101 other questions'. Maybe I 'll wrestle it off him and scour the pages for answers to that burning question and the 101 others. I hope at least 1 of them covers my favourite -Why are people so fucking stupid?-

Alex is happy tonight, he's worked out and feels good. He's managing his drinking. However, he's looking forward to tomorrow night when 'Alex's drinking club' runs it's second week. Contradictory I know. Last week was carnage. He gained notoriety cos one of the guys couldn't make it into work friday.. ..a subject of conversation in the office. If you can't stand the heat. . .give them something to talk about. This time we will have girls attending from the outset, a novel development, without paying them either!! He just needs to arrange a venue which will be the priority task for tomorrow.
Alex wants some action tomorrow night. . .oh does he ever want action.
blue balls don't even start to cover the issues.
I want to . . . . .


Anonymous said...

And I want to... be there! Can I come? Can I be one of the girls?!

Be safe, but not too safe...

And don't do anything I wouldn't do... that should give you plenty of flexibility... :)

We're Only Animals said...

I put the stella cans there Alex.

Blog Archive said...

You should move to New York. Then you'd never have blue balls. Action is so easy to get in this town it's ridiculous. They should do Bureau of Tourism PSAs about that ... Come to the Big Apple! Get Laid! Especially if you have a British accent. Alex, you'd be golden! I think we've solved your problems! Get yourself a plane ticket and we'll go whoring.

All joking aside, I echo Fex in saying have fun, but be safe. In other words: don't be the bloke who can't get to work on Friday.


alex wandered said...

Fex-Of course you can
WOA - I bloody knew it was you
Marcelle - Done
Note to self - put comments on more quickly.