Thursday 11 October 2007

Thirsty Thursday

Yesterday my mood was as black as the london weather. I'm surrounded by people but I'm so fucking lonely....
Today, lighter and sunnier, mood and weather.

I walk to the place where I do most of my blogging, but I pass a guy outside his office smoking a cigarette. (I have no problem noticing guys, although was once accused of being gay because I am relaxed about saying things like - 'he's a very good looking bloke' or something. People often find this difficult handle, oddly; also; I am very, not, gay).

Anyway, I pass and notice his good dress sense, expensive shirt , good cuffs, expensive suit, elegant shoes, waxed hair in the way that it should be. So what, you say, another face in thousands of city boys. Well, he was in a wheelchair my fine friends.
What problems do I have when I see something like that? I felt humbled and ashamed of myself.

2 good things that are happening:

The young lady, let's call her Mandy, who I have been mildly flirting with, has turned into a proper date next Wednesday. I'm excited, I just have a good feeling about this. I know what she wants, because she told me, a no strings attached relationship. It's what I need right now. 'll blog this one as it unfolds.

I'm out tonight with the boys and girls from work. Carnage, hopefully!

In the Metro, that last bastion of free impartial reporting, this morning, there was an article which reported that studies have proved that lap dancers make more in tips if they are not on the pill, than if they are. Males can sense the heat or oestrous, apparently. Interesting .....

Take care

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