Tuesday 16 October 2007

See the world through troubled eyes

I'm still at home. We're circling each other somewhat warily. No angry words. I went out on the bike last night, favourite way of contemplation, mind soothed by physical exertion.
I think my friends know something's up.Others have been great. There is a lady at work, who has plenty of her own problems, who asks me every day if I am OK. I love her for that. I wish I could name her. She's worth it.

I also speak regularly to a guy called Tony. He is a lovable rogue who has been through the same things as me. He is out on the other side now , several girlfriends, full life again, but carries an underlying sadness, melancholy, that glints beneath the facade.
Is this what the future holds ?
Might I find another person? Out there somewhere?


We're Only Animals said...

Hi Alex, just wanted to let you know that Iv stopped by again to see how you are :-)

Blog Archive said...

Of course there is the possibility of finding another person. There always is. Just try your best to do what your heart wants. I'm glad there are people you can turn to.

alex wandered said...

Thank you. I appreciate it

Hope is a powerful emotion. It saved Shackleton. . .