Friday 19 October 2007

When you're in love

It's 10 past 4 saturday morning. tired, can't sleep. Long painful talk last night. It was n't exactly that she had an affair but she 's fallen in love with someone else. I would have preferred an affair somehow. She says the falling in love bit is over now. I don't know who it is and unsure how important this is at the moment. I don't know if it's over or not. I don't know how I feel and I don't know how she feels.
This probably does n't make much sense, that's good cos it does n't make much sense to me either.


Anonymous said...

Oh no. Not good. Not fun. I feel for you. I really do. It's that awful crossroads when it's clear that something is not right for both of you, but you have to decide if both of you want to try to fix what isn't right or if you're better off not. Terribly difficult. For now, you would be best off trying to sleep it off a bit.

We're Only Animals said...

I think you need to get this sorted out the sooner the better, lifes to short to fuck around.

My heart is with you alex xxx