Thursday 18 October 2007

Lady luck apologizes

When someone says to you: 'You made my night' you know you're doing something right. That someone was K. She's interesting. She works in a bar in the west end, she's a big untidy blonde fraulein, with perfect english. Not my type at all. She made me laugh when I was there, which is unusual for bar staff in London, mostly miserable, busy or both. So I complemented her sense of humour, an unthinkable thought before. While my boring client vanished to the loo, I asked for her mobile. Unthinkable. It was n't possible due to the po-faced landlord, so I told her i' m gonna put in an advert in the lovestruck column of thelondonpaper. Something new, another step.

I discovered craigslist yesterday. Interesting. Registered but not posted yet, looking at the form. There are some very specific requests made there . . . .

23 year old cancelled her date yesterday, citing 'boyfriend not happy' That would be going nowhere then. I still see her training, but that's gonna be all. I like her though.
So, that leaves Jo the kiwi fruit eater. Not sure about that one, she's a bit crazy. Says off-beat things. Kinda like her for that.

Then I literally bumped into J. yesterday, the lady that I had long dances with at a dreary corporate bash a few weeks ago. She's older than me and just wants to have fun.

But things are up on the home front too. Yes: we had sex this morning, maybe a little sleepy and a bit stilted, I think we were both embarrassed it was happening. But she came, which was a relief if nothing else.

Don't judge me, gentle reader, no one likes betrayal, but I have been betrayed also. There is the greater good........

I will keep you posted


Anonymous said...

I, for one, am not one to judge. And I don't. And I won't. You've got to do what you've got to do. And sharing it sometimes seems to help. I enjoy reading your snipets of "a day in the life...". It takes my mind off of my own issues.

alex wandered said...

You've got issues in your kitchen , going on your latest...
Glad to take your mind off for a while.